QA Higher Education Internal Test for International Students In the UK

QA Higher Education Internal Test for International Students In the UK

If you apply to the QA Higher Education group institute, you can take the QA Higher Education/Password English Language Tests. It is entirely free of cost. Ulster University Branch Campuses, Northumbria University, and the University of South Wales accept these tests. They are for students with a Conditional Offer from QAHE or the partners. The online test covers Speaking, Reading, Listening, and Writing and is for admission to QAHE and University Partner's Undergraduate and Postgraduate courses.

The QAHE internal test is designed to assess the English language proficiency of applicants. It is typically conducted online through Skype and includes components such as Speaking, Reading, Listening, and Writing. The results help determine whether students meet the required language standards for admission to undergraduate or postgraduate courses at QAHE and its partner universities.

Request Free Consultation

Essential Considerations for the Test

Device Requirement

Ensure access to a desktop computer or laptop; mobile phones or tablets are incompatible with the test.

Internet Connection

Maintain a stable, high-quality internet connection for a smooth testing experience.

Software Requirement

Install Skype on your computer to facilitate the testing process.


Ensure your device has a working webcam that allows our assessors to see you clearly throughout the test.

Audio Equipment

Use good quality speakers and a microphone (either inbuilt or through a headset) to enable clear communication with our assessors.


You must have a Passport.

Meeting these requirements will help ensure a seamless and effective testing session.

English Language Test Structure and Modules

The test comprises four distinct modules:


It is divided into three parts.

  1. Part 1 involves a 4-5 minute discussion about yourself.
  2. Part 2 requires speaking about a topic in the Skype chat box within 2 minutes.
  3. Part 3 involves a two-minute debate on the given topic.


  1. It lasts for 35-40 minutes.
  2. Divided into four sections.
  3. Write answers while listening to the audio.


  1. It lasts for 60 minutes, divided into three sections.
  2. Carefully read questions and type answers.


  1. It lasts for 40 minutes.
  2. Single section with a given topic.
  3. Write approximately 250 to 300 words about the assigned topic.

This detailed breakdown ensures clarity on the structure and expectations for each module of the English Language Test.


Listening, Reading, and Writing will be conducted by a separate assessor.

A test link for these modules will be provided in the Skype chat box.

Booking Your English Language Test – Step-by-Step Guide: (H2)

Conditional Offer

Receive a conditional offer with English language proficiency as a requirement.

Declaration Form

Complete our declaration form, confirm personal details, and agree to the terms and conditions.


Submit the declaration form and proceed to select your preferred test time and date.

Booking Confirmation

Upon submission, receive a booking confirmation containing details about the test, expectations, and system requirements.


Provide a valid Skype ID for assessor communication on the test day.

Test Appointment Changes

If you are unable to attend the scheduled test, inform us promptly.

Test Execution

The test will be conducted and invigilated by QA Higher Education assessors.

Following these steps ensures a smooth booking process and successful completion of your English Language Test.

English Language Proficiency Requirement

To meet the language proficiency requirement, you must attain an overall score of 6 in the English Language Test, with no individual module score falling below 5.5.

Retake Policy

In the event of a test failure, candidates are eligible for a retake. However, a mandatory waiting period of six months is required before you can retake the test. This policy ensures that candidates have ample time for further preparation and improvement before attempting the test again. 

Partner Universities

  1. Ulster University
  2. London Met
  3. Northumbria
  4. Solent University
  5. Middlesex University
  6. University of South Wales
  7. University of Roehampton

These universities offer a free QA Internal Test for admission without the need for any other English language tests.


In summary, the QA Higher Education Internal English Language Test serves as a crucial assessment for prospective students aiming to enroll in undergraduate or postgraduate courses at QAHE and its partner universities. The test, consisting of speaking, reading, listening, and writing modules, requires adherence to specific device, internet, and software requirements for a seamless experience. Booking the test involves following a step-by-step guide, and meeting the English language proficiency requirement is essential for admission. While a retake option is available, a mandatory waiting period ensures candidates have adequate time for preparation. Partner universities accept this test as a valid measure of English proficiency, streamlining the admission process for eligible applicants.