A Comprehensive Guide to Pursuing a Research Degree in the UK with Dependents

A Comprehensive Guide to Pursuing a Research Degree in the UK with Dependents

In the UK, there are restrictions on dependent visas for certain types of study visas, but many students pursuing research degrees, such as PhDs, and MRes are generally allowed to bring their spouses or dependents with them. This is beneficial for students who wish to have their families with them while pursuing advanced research studies. The UK provides favorable conditions for international students to bring their dependents along, creating a wholesome experience for the entire family. In this blog, we will discuss the benefits and requirements of studying in the UK in a research degree program with dependents, while also discussing the opportunities available for dependents.

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Planning for a Research Degree in the UK

When considering studying in the UK, the first step is to choose the research degree program that aligns with your interests and career goals. The UK offers a wide range of research programs across various disciplines, providing ample choices for prospective students. Whether you are interested in pursuing a Ph.D, M.Phil, or other research degrees, it is essential to explore different universities, their faculty, and research facilities to find the best fit for your academic journey.

Common research degrees include

  • 1. Master’s by Research (MRes): A program focused on independent research at the master’s level, often leading to a thesis or dissertation.
  • 2. Doctor of Philosophy (PhD): The highest level of research degree, involving extensive original research, a doctoral thesis, and the contribution of new knowledge to the chosen field.
  • 3. Doctor of Education (EdD): A research degree specifically designed for educators, emphasizing applied research in educational settings.
  • 4. Doctor of Science (DSc) or Doctor of Literature (Dlit): These are research degrees awarded in some countries, similar to a PhD but sometimes conferred as an honorary title.
  • 5. Doctor of Business Administration (DBA): A research-based program for professionals in business and management, focusing on advanced research skills and the application of research to business practices.
  • 6. Doctor of Engineering (EngD): A research degree in engineering that typically involves collaboration with industry partners, combining academic research with practical applications.
  • 7. Doctor of Social Science (DsocSci): A research degree in social science disciplines, requiring advanced research skills and the completion of a substantial thesis.
  • Top universities offer Research Degrees in the UK

  • • City University of London
  • • Coventry University
  • • University of Liverpool
  • • University of Bradford
  • • University of Bolton
  • • University of Oxford
  • • University of Birmingham
  • • University of Manchester
  • • University of Westminster
  • • University of Bristol
  • • University of Cambridge
  • • University of Lincoln
  • • University of Bath Spa
  • • University of Stirling
  • • University of Huddersfield
  • • University of Portmouth
  • • University of Gloucestershire
  • • University of Hertfordshire
  • Challenges faced by the students having Dependents

  • Students studying abroad with dependents often face challenges such as
  • 1. Finding suitable childcare
  • 2. Managing family finances
  • 3. Balancing academic and family responsibilities

Additionally, adapting to a new culture and educational system while ensuring the well-being of their dependents can be demanding. Limited social support and potential visa restrictions for dependents are also common hurdles.

Financial Considerations and Support

Estimating the cost of living for students with dependents is an important step in financial planning. Take into account expenses such as accommodation, education for dependents, and daily living costs. Explore scholarships and funding options specifically designed for international students with dependents. Additionally, consider part-time work opportunities that can help supplement your finances.

Navigating the Student Visa Process

Identifying the appropriate visa category for students with dependents is crucial. Research the different visa options available and determine the one that suits your needs. Prepare and submit your student visa application on time, ensuring all necessary documentation is provided. It’s essential to comply with visa regulations and stay informed about important immigration information to avoid any complications.

Adjusting to Student Life in the UK

Finding family-friendly housing is a priority for students with dependents. Research accommodation options and seek advice from universities or local real estate agents who can provide insights into suitable areas. Adapting to the education system and research methodology may require some time and effort. Develop effective time management strategies to balance your study and family responsibilities. Don’t hesitate to seek support resources provided by your university, such as mentorship programs or support groups.

Support Services for Students with Dependents

Childcare and schooling options in the UK are abundant, but it’s essential to research and choose the best fit for your dependents. Look into local schools, childcare centers, or nanny services that align with your requirements. Accessing healthcare and insurance coverage for your dependents is crucial for their well-being. Familiarize yourself with the healthcare system in the UK and ensure you have the necessary insurance coverage. Counseling and well-being services are also available to support both students and their families.

Career Prospects and Opportunities

Exploring research and job opportunities in the UK as an international graduate can open doors to exciting possibilities. Take advantage of networking opportunities and build professional relationships to expand your career prospects. Furthermore, understanding the post-study work options and pathways will give you a clear vision of your career trajectory.


In summary, this comprehensive guide provides a step-by-step outline for students considering a research degree in the UK with dependents. We have covered essential topics like planning, financing, visa processes, student life, support services, and career prospects. Remember to make informed decisions, seek support, and carefully plan your journey.