University of Bradford Accepts English Language Test Scores for September 2024 Intake

Great news for aspiring students planning to study abroad! The University of Bradford has officially recognized English language test scores for the September 2024 intake. This is a fantastic opportunity for those aiming to enroll in a leading UK university.

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English Language Tests and Required Scores

To ensure eligibility, the University of Bradford has established the following minimum requirements for English language proficiency: 

  1. IELTS: Overall score of 6 with no less than 5.5 in each subskill
  2. PTE: Overall score of 62 with no less than 59 in each subskill
  3. Language Cert International ESOL (Both): Minimum score of 148 overall, with at least 33 in each subskill
  4. TOEFL IBT: Overall score of 80, with no less than 18 in Reading, 17 in Listening, 20 in Speaking, and 17 in Writing

These requirements guarantee that students possess a strong grasp of the English language, crucial for excelling in academic studies and future careers. 

Navigating university applications, especially concerning language requirements, can be overwhelming. At EdMine, we provide tailored guidance and assistance to help students prepare for English language tests and attain the necessary scores for success.

If you're interested in studying at the University of Bradford or any other prestigious UK university, reach out EdMine today.